Sending iOS 10.3+ app review requests

With iOS 10.3, Apple changed how apps can request reviews from users. Per their release notes, developers must now use the SKStoreReviewController API to ask users to rate or review the app while they're using it, without being redirected to the App Store. This is part of a larger overhaul of Apple's ratings and reviews.


To send an app review request on Android or iOS 10.2-, see Send an app review request (Android or iOS 10.2 and earlier).

You can now control when in your app to present the review prompt by calling the API in your app's code, or by using Leanplum's in-app messaging templates — follow the steps below to set up the new App review request.

Update Xcode and your pods/dependencies

Before you can take advantage of the new features in iOS 10.3, you'll need to update Xcode and update your pods/dependencies to get our latest SDK version (requires 1.7.0+).

  1. Update Xcode to version 8.3.
  2. Update your pods to Leanplum iOS SDK 1.7.0+. From the terminal or command prompt, go to your project's root directory and run: pod update
  3. Confirm in the pod notes that Leanplum SDK 1.7.0+ has been installed.
  4. Build and run your app using a registered test device.

If you do not see the "Request App Rating" under In-App Actions, you may need to click the refresh button at the top of the In-app templates dropdown menu, or refresh the page in your browser.


Our dashboard will not show the new in-app message template for app reviews until you run a test device built from Xcode 8.3 with the Leanplum iOS SDK 1.7.0+. If your test devices use older versions of our SDK, the dashboard will not display features exclusive to 1.7.0+.

Resubmit your app to the App Store

Once you've finished making the above changes and testing locally, you'll need to resubmit your app to the App Store. You can then start testing App Review prompts using Leanplum.