Campaigns overview
Campaigns are at the center of everything you do in Leanplum.
To open the Campaigns overview, select the Campaigns item in the main navigation.
The overview shows a table of all your campaigns with their respective statuses, the number of users who participated in them, and how well each campaign performs.

On the Campaigns overview page you can:
- Create new campaigns
- Manage existing campaigns
- Filter campaigns by different parameters, and share the filtered view with colleagues
- Sort campaigns in the table
- Search campaigns by name or author
- Share campaigns
- Download Campaign Performance Reports
- View Campaign Calendar (Beta)
Create a new campaign
To start a new campaign, click New Campaign in the upper right. You'll be taken to the Campaign and guided through the steps of choosing a goal, target audience, delivery channel, and content.
To get started, read the Create a campaign article.
Manage Campaigns
Each campaign in the campaigns table has the following management options available:
- View Results button (for published campaigns only)
- Open in New Tab button
- Campaign Summary button
- More Actions [ ⋯ ] dropdown containing:
- Pause (for running, triggered campaigns only)
- Resume (for paused, triggered campaigns only)
- Copy link to Campaign
- Download Results as CSV
- Campaign Settings - review and edit Campaign Name and Labels
- Duplicate
- Delete
For more information, see Managing Campaigns article.
Filter campaigns
To zero in on specific campaigns, click the filter icon in the upper right corner and select your filter criteria.
1. Filter by campaign properties
You can filter campaigns by:
- Labels (if applicable) - read more about Labels
- Status - see all Campaign Statuses
- Goal Category - see all Goal Categories
- Delivery Method - read about Delivery options
- Recurrence - read about Recurring delivery
- Channel - read more about Channels
2. Filter by time period (date range)
To filter by a date range, select the desired start and end dates from the dropdown in the upper right corner of the screen.
You can select the type of date to filter by:
- Last Edited (default) - to see campaigns that were edited during the selected time period.
- Created - to see campaigns that were created during the selected time period.
- Start Date - to see campaigns that started during the selected time period.
Share or bookmark a filtered view
Applied filters generate a unique URL that if shared or bookmarked brings you back to the same view.
To share applied filters, copy the URL from the address bar ↗ of your browser.
Sort campaigns
Use any of the qualifiers in the table header to sort your campaigns.
By default, campaigns are sorted by Last edited date, starting with the most recent.
Click on each qualifier in the table header to sort in ascending or descending order. For example, click Start Date to see campaigns that recently started or will soon start.
Search for campaigns
To search campaigns by campaign name or author, type into the search bar above the campaigns table.
Share campaigns
To share a campaign link, from the More Actions [ ⋯ ] dropdown against the campaign in the table, select Copy Link to Campaign.
Download Campaign Performance Reports
You can export your campaign data in CSV format.
- Filter the campaigns you want to export
To avoid polluting the exported data with test campaigns, export Finished and Running campaigns only.
Select the campaigns to be exported
- To download a single campaign, hover over the campaign row in the table, select Download Results as CSV
- To download all campaigns, click the Download Campaigns as CSV button above the campaigns table
- To download selected campaigns, use the checkboxes in the table to select the desired campaigns and click the Download Campaigns as CSV button
Choose what metrics to be exported
- All actions in campaign - export all metrics for each action for every campaign in the table
- Campaign only - export only campaign-level metrics (Users, Engaged, Engagement Rate, Conversions, Conversions Rate), skip action metrics
Adjust the period to download data for
Select a single week or a single month. The exported file includes data for the selected period only, e.g. for email campaigns, this is the number of total emails sent, opened, delivered, etc. -
Click the Download button to start exporting. The download begins automatically once the data is collected and the file is ready.
View Campaign Calendar
The Calendar shows a summary of your active or pending Campaigns and it allows you to quickly understand and spot the periods with a high or low amount of engagement.
To open the Campaign Calendar, select the calendar icon above the Overview table.
- Monthly and Weekly View
The monthly and weekly view provide you with an overview on all Campaigns scheduled to run in the given time period. You can see all Campaigns and their associated statuses

- Daily View
The daily view allows you to deep-dive into all Campaigns that are relevant to that date and to find a specific one to investigate further

- Filtering
The Calendar supports the same filtering option as the Overview table.
NOTE: Since Manual Delivery campaigns are triggered by API calls to our server and do not have a set schedule they are not visible in the Campaign Calendar
Updated over 2 years ago