How to integrate external Attribution services
Leanplum integrates with many third-party attribution providers. The providers send Leanplum a postback that contains all of the publisher information, which in turn allows you to view the marketing channels in Leanplum, as well as target by them for A/B tests or marketing campaigns.
Before you turn the integration on with your specific partner, you need to confirm that your Leanplum integration is using the same device ID as the third-party you're hoping to integrate with. This is important because Leanplum matches the user install with the third-party postback using the device ID, so if they do not match Leanplum cannot report the data.
For example, Adjust sends IDFV device IDs for iOS, so in order for Leanplum to work with Adjust, you'll have to set your Leanplum device ID to IDFV as well. See Device IDs for more detail.
Once the device ID is confirmed, you can contact your third-party provider or log into their portal, and select Leanplum as the partner to send the postback to. You should then provide the App ID and Client Key specific to your Leanplum dashboard. These keys can be found in the Keys & Settings next to the app name in question.
To reach Keys & Settings, go to App Settings.
Device IDs in Leanplum
In Leanplum, the device IDs are captured automatically, but can vary depending on the version of the OS the device is running. Our SDK sets the device ID to the ANDROID_ID on newer versions (Android 6+), and an MD5 hash of the MAC address on older versions. The same is true for iOS: new versions (iOS 6+) use identifierForVendor while older versions use a hash of the MAC address.
You can, however, choose to set the device ID mode or the device ID yourself. See Device IDs for more detail.
Updated almost 4 years ago