Stacks (combine metrics)

How to create, view, edit, and delete combined metric formulas

Leanplum gives you the ability to easily combine two or more out-of-the-box metrics into a new Stacked Metric.

Create a Stack

Let's create a stacked metric to show both returning and first-time users. (This is an unnecessary stack since Leanplum already tracks total users by default, but it will serve as a simple demonstration.)

  1. Click on the + metric tile.
  2. Select Stacks from the pop-up window.
  3. Click on the + Create new stack button.
  4. Name the stack "First-time + Returning Users."
  5. Select one or more Positive metrics (these will be added to the stack total). Select both Total first-time users and Total returning users.
  6. [Optional] Select one or more Negative metrics (these will be subtracted from the stack total). We will not need a negative metric for this example.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Click the resulting Stacked tile to add it to the chart.

View a Stack's formula

After creating a stacked metric, you may want to review the formula used to calculate its results. You can quickly see the formula right from the Dashboard. Simply hover over the ? tooltip icon in the top-right corner of the tile.


Edit a Stack

Your stacked metrics can be edited at any time. The process is very similar to creating a new stack.

  1. Click on the + metric tile in Analytics.
  2. Select Stacks from the pop-up window.
  3. Find the stack you'd like to delete.
  4. Click the pen icon to edit it.
  5. In the stack window, make any changes to the name, Positive metrics and/or Negative metrics.
  6. Click Finish.

Delete a stack

You can easily delete a stack just as easily as editing it, without affecting the underlying metrics or your data.

  1. Click on the + metric tile in Analytics.
  2. Select Stacks from the pop-up window.
  3. Find the stack you'd like to delete.
  4. Click the trash icon.