User Property & Device segmentation rules

Property segmentation rules allow you to segment your users based on User attributes, Preferences, Devices, Attribution and Location data.


User attributeSegment users based on custom user attribute values.

Use case:
We see Leanplum users leverage user attributes for a number of use cases, including customer preferences, favorite products or merchants, in-game economy.

- User attribute favorite_restaurant is "Shake Shack"
- User attribute sword_upgrade_level is between 5 and 10
User bucketSegment users based on the randomly assigned user bucket they fall in. Leanplum will evenly distribute your users in buckets ranging from 0 to 999.

Use case:
A very common application of user buckets is to define an audience that you want to use as a holdback for all or some campaigns.

- Exclude user bucket between 970 and 999 (3% of all users) from all re-engagement promotions by defining an audience like:
- User bucket is between 970 and 999
User IDThe unique user ID assigned to the user profile.

Use case:
The main scenario for segmenting based on user IDs we see is to build a test audience comprising of your team members, which will then be used to test and confirm multi-action campaigns.
Lifetime valueThe total lifetime value of the user, determined by the total value of all Purchase events.

- Target people who have spent more than $200 with you with:
- Lifetime value is greater than 200


Push enabledUsers with an existing push token on record.

All Android users will receive the push messages. iOS users may not receive if they do not have iOS alerts ON.

Use case:
We see the Push enabled rule usually being leveraged with "OS name is Android" to get a list of users who will receive push notifications on Android.
Text push enabledUsers who can receive push notifications.

Use case:
Leanplum users leverage Text push enabled to build audiences of users who can receive push messages or to narrow down a particular sub-audience to only users who can receive push messages.
Email enabledUsers who can receive email messages.
Unsubscribed from all email categoriesUnsubscribed users - will not receive emails in any marketing category
Unsubscribed from email categoryUsers who will not receive emails from a particular marketing category


Device modelThe specific model of a user's device.
OS nameThe operating system of a user's device.
OS versionThe OS version of a user's device.
Browser nameThe name of the user's device default browser.
Browser versionThe version of the user's device default browser.
App versionThe version/build number of an application.

User Acquisition

Source Publisher IDThe ID fo the specific publisher the install came from.
Source publisher nameThe name of the specific publisher the install came from.
Source sub-publisher nameThe name of the sub-publisher the install came from.
Source siteThe name of the site the install came from.
Source campaignThe name of the campaign the install came from.
Source ad groupThe name of the ad group the install came from.
Source adThe name of the ad the install came from.


CityCity as determined by the user's geo-location by IP, GPS or GSM.
CountryCountry as determined by the user's geo-location by IP, GPS or GSM.
LanguageThe language preference the user has selected on their device (can also be updated server-side)
LocaleThe locale preference the user has selected on their device (can also be updated server-side)
Custom RegionA custom pre-defined region (location) on the map.
RegionA region (state, province, municipality) as determined by the user's geo-location by IP, GPS or GSM.


Developer status enabledUsers who have at least one device which has been used in development mode
Registered test devices forAll users who share a particular test device